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We are proud to announce the launch of Westland Catering Co., bringing together the best from Fort Worth favorites.

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Magdalena's Partners with Westland Restaurant Group

A New Chapter in Fort Worth's Culinary Legacy

FORT WORTH, TX – Westland Restaurant Group is thrilled to announce a new partnership with Magdalena’s Catering & Events, one of Fort Worth’s most esteemed culinary establishments known for its excellence in catering and event services. This partnership builds on a long-standing relationship between Gigi Howell and Chef Juan Rodriguez, who first met at Sam & Harry’s Steakhouse and began working together in 2010 at the iconic Reata Restaurant.

Under this partnership, Chef Juan Rodriguez and Paige Rodriguez will continue to lead Magdalena’s, maintaining their commitment to excellence in weddings, corporate events, and the celebrated Supper Club. Additionally, Magdalena’s will now oversee catering and events for all Westland Restaurant Group concepts, further extending their influence in DFW’s dining scene.

“Bringing Magdalena’s into the Westland family is a meaningful step for us,” said Gigi Howell, Operating Partner at Westland Restaurant Group. “Our history with Juan goes back many years, and we share a deep respect for what he and Paige have created. We’re excited to support their continued leadership and to see Magdalena’s flourish in this new role.”

Bourke Harvey, Managing Partner at Westland Restaurant Group, added, “This partnership represents a unique opportunity to blend the best of Fort Worth’s culinary traditions. We’re committed to maintaining the high standards that Juan and Paige have set, while also expanding the reach of our catering services through this exciting collaboration.”

Chef Juan Rodriguez echoed the excitement: “This partnership is a continuation of a journey Gigi and I started over a decade ago. We’re thrilled to take on the catering and events for Westland’s concepts while staying true to the spirit of Magdalena’s. Paige and I are fully committed to leading this next chapter with the same passion and creativity our guests expect.”

Magdalena’s will continue to provide the exceptional culinary experiences that have made them a Fort Worth favorite while expanding their role to serve Westland Restaurant Group’s diverse array of concepts, now under the banner of Westland Catering Company. Additionally, as the fall season approaches, Pulido’s Kitchen & Cantina and JD’s Hamburgers will offer custom tailgate options designed for game day gatherings, ensuring fans can enjoy personalized menus tailored to their event. Inquiries can be made through the new Westland Catering Company’s website at https://www.westlandcateringcompany.com.




About Westland Restaurant Group
Westland Restaurant Group is dedicated to developing and revitalizing Fort Worth’s culinary traditions. With a portfolio that includes beloved local favorites such as JD’s Hamburgers, Curly’s Frozen Custard, Margie’s Italian Gardens, West Side Cafe, and Pulido’s Kitchen & Cantina, WRG focuses on offering authentic dining experiences that celebrate the rich heritage of the region. Through thoughtful acquisitions and partnerships, Westland Restaurant Group aims to enrich Fort Worth’s dining landscape, ensuring that cherished local traditions continue to thrive for generations to come.

About Magdalena’s Catering & Events
Founded by Chef Juan Rodriguez and Paige Rodriguez, Magdalena’s is a celebrated catering and events company known for its commitment to creating unforgettable culinary experiences. Specializing in weddings, corporate events, and their innovative Supper Club, Magdalena’s offers a blend of local flavors and global culinary influences, making them a favorite in Fort Worth for both private and community gatherings.